Sentence example with the word 'neroli'


Last update: September 11, 2015


Thus in the case of neroli oil the petals of orange blossom are loosely spread on trays covered with purified lard or with fine olive oil.   [Please select]


Hard paraffine, 1 pound; powdered boric acid, 7 pounds; oil of lavender, 1 drachm; oil of neroli, 20 minims.   [Please select]


] Now, when orange-flowers are distilled with water, we procure the otto of the blossom, which is known commercially as oil of neroli.   [Please select]


The neroli procured from the flowers of the Citrus aurantium is considered to be the finest quality, and is called "neroli petale."   [Please select]


The next quality, "neroli bigarade," is derived from the blossoms of the _Citrus bigaradia_, or Seville orange.   [Please select]


The "petale" and "bigarade" neroli are used to an enormous extent in the manufacture of eau de Cologne and other handkerchief perfumes.   [Please select]

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nerol - neroli - nerve