Sentence example with the word 'nereids'


Last update: September 18, 2015


The fifty daughters of Nereus, the Nereids, are personifications of the smiling, quiet sea.   [Please select]


"Chaotic matter" represents in his theory the germ of all created things, from which water, earth, animals, nereids or fish-men, human beings &c.   [Please select]


Once the watchers even distinguished, upon a barge richly adorned with gilded carving, young female slaves who, with floating hair and transparent sea-green robes, handled, in the guise of Nereids, light sandal-wood oars with golden blades.   [Please select]


They were all named after the Nereids, the sea-fairies who took care of them, Eunice and Polynoe, Phyllodoce and Psamathe, and all the rest of the pretty darlings who swim round their Queen Amphitrite, and her car of cameo shell.   [Please select]


It may be further remarked, that these Nereids are punctilious among themselves, and observe different ranks according to the commodities they deal in.   [Please select]


Beneath awnings wrought of the richest manufactures of the East, the beautiful queen, attired to personate Venus, reclined amidst lovely attendants dressed to represent cupids and nereids.   [Please select]


The reliefs of the body of the casket represented love-scenes, Venus and the Nereids, the Muses and other pagan subjects; and just under them was engraved the salutation:-- "Secundus and Proiecta, may you live in Christ."   [Please select]


The Nile changed its course in order to escape, and nymphs and nereids in terror sought for the sanctuary of some watery place that had escaped destruction.   [Please select]

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nereides - nereids - nereis