Sentence example with the word 'nectaries'


Last update: September 28, 2015


Types of glands also exist, either in connection with the epidermis or not, such as nectaries, digestive glands, oil, resin and mucilage glands, &c. They serve the most various purposes in the life of the plant, but they are not of significance in relation to the primary vital activities, and cannot be dealt with in the limits of the present article.l The typical epidermis of the shoot of a land plant does not absorb water, but some plants living in situations where they cannot depend on a regular supply from the roots (e.g.   [Please select]


The Hunting Wasp takes her fill of honey drawn from the nectaries of the flowers, but feeds her little ones on game.   [Please select]


All this section have long tongues so that they are able to reach the nectaries of {67} [Illustration: FIG.   [Please select]


There were bees, too; and bee-birds humming from flower to flower, and robbing their rich nectaries.   [Please select]


Wallace, nine and a quarter inches in length, probably to enable their owner to probe the deep nectaries of certain orchids.   [Please select]


In the columbine _(Aquilegia vulgaris)_ some of the stamens are converted into petals having the shape of nectaries, one neatly fitting into the other; but in one variety they are converted into simple petals.   [Please select]

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nectar - nectaries - nectarine