Sentence example with the word 'nauseous'


abhorrent, brackish, emetic, joyless, nauseating, prey to malaise, rank, revolting, squeamish, unpleasant

Definition adj. causing or able to cause nausea

Last update: August 16, 2015


He felt nauseous due to the smell.   [Please select]


Its nauseous bitter taste may to some extent be concealed by acidifying the solution with dilute sulphuric acid, and in some cases where full doses have failed the repeated administration of small ones has proved effectual.   [Please select]


Dim memories of unaccustomed faces in the bedroom, of nauseous drugs and hushed voices, came to him out of the night-time.   [Please select]


Now go, before you tempt me to strangle you for a nauseous beast.   [Please select]


Of minor importance, perhaps, but not to be despised, is the resulting liberation from the old slavery to bulky and nauseous drugs.   [Please select]


It was nauseous with age and the smell of damp earth, but it was cleaner there than above stairs.   [Please select]

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nauseatingly - nauseous - nauseously