Sentence example with the word 'nationals'


Last update: July 23, 2015


Of his writings on social and political questions may be mentioned Die Erziehung des Weibes (1865); Ueber die nationals Entwicklung and Bedeutung der Naturwissenschaften (1865); Die Aufgaben der Naturwissenschaften in dem neuen nationalen Leben Deutschlands (1871); Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat (1877), in which he opposed the idea of l - L eckel - that the principles of evolution should be taught in elementary schools - on the ground that they were not as yet proved, and that it was mischievous to teach a hypothesis which still remained in the speculative stage.   [Please select]


And the deep meaning of it is to rob our fishing, under pretence of the Nationals.   [Please select]


The Taiwanese nationals who had opposed the Japanese were disappointed; for their part, the Nationalists felt threatened because of their minority position.   [Please select]


After all these years, nearly half a century, there are under a thousand of Riedl's nationals in the whole of Mexico.   [Please select]


(e) Repayment of fines and requisitions levied by the enemy Governments or their officers on French municipalities or nationals.   [Please select]


(f) Compensation to French nationals deported or compelled to do forced labor.   [Please select]


, the first charge on these assets is the private claims of Allied against German nationals.   [Please select]


The claims of Greece for maritime losses incurred on the service of her own nationals would not be very considerable.   [Please select]


Hardly had this radical change been effected when in 1838 war broke out with France on account of the injuries which its nationals, among whom were certain pastry cooks, had suffered during the interminable commotions.   [Please select]

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nationally - nationals - nationhood