Sentence example with the word 'nationalistic'


Definition adj. fanatically patriotic

Last update: July 4, 2015


There was nothing in their general position to make them in- 'hospitable to ethical conceptions of the future life, as is shown by the fact that so soon as the Egyptian-Greek idea of immortality made itself felt in Jewish circles it was adopted by the author of the Wisdom of Solomon; but prior to the 1st century B.C. it does not appear in the Wisdom literature, and the nationalistic dogma of resurrection is not mentioned in it at all.   [Please select]


More than a month before, Lincoln had been reelected on an unequivocal nationalistic platform.   [Please select]


This one fact alone demonstrates that the Hsia rejected Chinese culture and were nationalistic Hun.   [Please select]


I am sure that no one will accuse me of nationalistic tendencies.   [Please select]


Marshall found his first opportunity to elaborate the tenets of his nationalistic creed in the case of M'Culloch vs.'   [Please select]


All the old habits of nationalistic policy reasserted themselves at Versailles.   [Please select]


The Republican party has been avowedly nationalistic, imperialistic, and in favor of a vigorous constructive foreign policy.   [Please select]


The people who originated the idea maintained that Europe, in its nationalistic stage of development, could only survive when there should be an absolute balance of the many conflicting interests of the entire continent.   [Please select]


They represented people of the same origin, but of the lower strata of the gentry or of business; they were more nationalistic and politically active and often less influenced by Western ideologies.   [Please select]

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