Sentence example with the word 'namely'


as here defined, especially, for example, id est, in other words, particularly, scil, specially, that is, to wit, viz

Definition adv. as follows

Last update: August 3, 2015


Over the last six decades, several technological innovations have changed how we communicate, namely the Internet and the smartphone.   [Please select]


When Mark came home from Switzerland, he brought me my favorite treat, namely the delicious Swiss chocolates I adore.   [Please select]


Dubois, namely, that he would "let himself go," would be unwise.   [Please select]


"I agree with you in one thing only; namely, that all kinds of property get too frequently abused in this world."   [Please select]


As a laborer, he is charged with the use of an instrument, with the superintendence of a machine; namely, his capacity.   [Please select]


Now, the total production being one thousand, each laborer's consumption is one; namely, wheat, meat, and grain, 0.   [Please select]


Lamennais follows it with a second; namely, that there are three persons in God.   [Please select]


There, too, was made the first translation of the Gospels into one of the Teutonic languages, namely, the Gothic.   [Please select]

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namelessness - namely - namers