Sentence example with the word 'nagana'


Last update: August 23, 2015


Tsetse-flies are of great economic and pathological importance as the disseminators of tsetse-fly disease (nagana) and sleeping sickness.   [Please select]


Some diseases, such as Texas fever and nagana, are traceable to protozoa, while others, like actinomycosis and aspergillosis, are caused by fungi.   [Please select]


Other parasites which live in the blood cause serious diseases known as surra and nagana (p.)   [Please select]


Nagana, also called tsetse-fly disease, is an infectious fever occurring chiefly in horses and cattle, characterized by alternating paroxysms and intermissions and produced by a specific flagellate protozoan (_Trypanosoma brucei_) in the blood.   [Please select]

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nag - nagana - nagged