Sentence example with the word 'myopia'


Definition n. (ophthalmology) eyesight abnormality resulting from the eye's faulty refractive ability

Last update: January 2, 2016


My sister has myopia.   [adjective]


Corrective surgery Surgery can correct myopia by altering the shape of the cornea.   [noun]


Concave Lenses are used in the treatment of myopia or shortsight.   [Please select]


Secondly, myopia, or short-sight, in which the eye is egg-shaped and too long from front to back; the retina in this case lies behind the focus, and is therefore fitted to see distinctly only very near objects.   [Please select]


Secondly, myopia, or short-sight, in which the eye is egg-shaped, and too long from front to back; the retina in this case lies behind the focus, and is therefore fitted to see distinctly only very near objects.   [Please select]


Myopia is so common in the present generation.   [Please select]


Golf clubs, hunting clubs, political or sports clubs have special membership qualifications; all good golf players are as a rule welcomed at all golf clubs; all huntsmen at hunting clubs, and yet the Myopia would not think of admitting the best rider ever known if he was not unquestionably a gentleman.   [Please select]

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myopathy - myopia - myopic