Sentence example with the word 'mutability'


adaptability, changefulness, differentiation, evanescence, impermanency, malleability, movability, plasticity, transiency, unsteadiness, volatility

Definition n. the quality of being capable of mutation

Last update: September 26, 2015


In the Protogaea, xxvi., Leibnitz distinctly suggests the mutability of species " Alii mirantur in saxis passim species videri quas vel in orbe cognito, vel saltem in vicinis locis frustra quaeras.   [Please select]


The gentle sadness of the autumn day had moved her to discourse on the mutability of mundane things.   [Please select]


Inevitably it was around the central circumstance of death--death, the final witness to human mutability--that these commemorative cravings clustered most thickly.   [Please select]


They seemed examples of man's creative power, and at the same time warnings of the vanity and mutability of earthly greatness.   [Please select]


The former argues from the imperfection and mutability of our reason to like characteristics in natural religion.   [Please select]


The conviction that the rule of neo-Kantianism is provisional does not rest merely on the mutability of human affairs.   [Please select]


I thought he might perhaps relent after such an evidence of the mutability of human affairs.   [Please select]

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