Definitionadj. (of liquids) clouded as with sediment
Last update: May 29, 2016
It's a murky room. [adjective]
Thanks to Patrick Keegan for coming in to review the papers - regular listeners know that Patrick operates in the murky underworld of pr. [adjective]
Dr. Black vowed to get to the bottom of these murky dealings. [adjective]
Sirona is mine, as the sun and moon and stars are mine, because they shed a beautiful light on my murky path. [adjective]
They were traversing a thick, and, as it seemed, an endless wood of pines, and consequently the path was altogether indiscernible in the murky darkness which surrounded them. [adjective]
Though the light was murky and the air stifling, men moved about briskly; and in places he saw workmen with saws and hammers making packages for shipments. [adjective]
Through the murky night the ships' lanterns still shone steadily enough, but farther off than before, and at a sharp angle behind his right shoulder. [adjective]
Outside, away from the glow of the fire and the soft lamplight, the night was chill and murky. [adjective]
Gabriel looked up from his stance peering into the murky Lake of Souls. [Please select]
Lady Agnes sighed prettily and--stepped out into the murky night. [Please select]
It was murky and shabby-looking, and full of dreary-faced people. [Please select]
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