Sentence example with the word 'multiplying'


crescendoing, expanding, increase, incremental, lengthening, multiplication, multiplier, proliferating, snowballing, swelling, tightening

Last update: October 6, 2015


And God kept multiplying and multiplying 'em and feeding this whole field of people, like at a rock concert.   [Please select]


Yet crimes are rapidly multiplying, and society is paying the price.   [Please select]


Toil was a magician, and possessed the power of multiplying himself into as many shapes as he saw fit.   [Please select]


Wandered far away over all the earth, captivity to captivity, multiplying, dying, being born everywhere.   [Please select]


This may be found by dividing 56,100 by the saponification equivalent or by multiplying the number of c.   [Please select]


196 gramme of geranyl acetate, the amount to be deducted is found by multiplying the number of c.   [Please select]


Moments strong and all-satisfying had been multiplying for Bent Wade of late.   [Please select]


Before the completion of more than two or three of the one-room, thatched houses, the deaths were multiplying.   [Please select]


"It's a summation, case of counting up one, two, three, etcetera--and may be multiplying, subtracting, and dividing into the bargain."   [Please select]


White people came, and black people and brown people and yellow people; the negroes came from the South by the thousands and thousands, multiplying by other thousands and thousands faster than they could die.   [Please select]

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multiply - multiplying - multipolar