Hidden deep mudholes are frequent. [Please select]
Turning into an alley, he fled southward, chuckling to himself as he splashed through the puddles and mudholes. [Please select]
But, Mate, you needn't think there are no more mudholes, for there are. [Please select]
The road was narrow, and steep, and full of mudholes, and the drive through the darkness was one of danger. [Please select]
Why, the very road I cut to save myself half a mile of mudholes came to a dead stop because Mr. [Please select]
In these earlier days, the streets were mudholes divided by vacant fields and "beautified by trees, swamps, and cows." [Please select]
But while we are moving along a difficult road we need more immediate illumination to avoid the mudholes and stumbling-places close at hand. [Please select]
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