Sentence example with the word 'mouflon'


Definition n. wild mountain sheep of Corsica and Sardinia

Last update: October 5, 2015


(See Udad, Argali, Goat, Ibex, Mouflon, Sheep and Tahr.) The musk-ox (Ovibos moschatus) alone represents the family Ovibovinae, which is probably most nearly related to the next group (see Music-ox).   [Please select]


This sheep has bred freely in the Zoological Society's Gardens, and two hybrids have been born there from a male of this species and the Corsican mouflon, _Ovis musimon_.   [Please select]


_The Mouflon of America_ (_Ovis Montana_) closely resembles the Argali, and is supposed by some to be identical with it, and to have crossed from Asia to America at Behring's Straits by means of ice.   [Please select]

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