Sentence example with the word 'mosasaurs'


Last update: August 11, 2015


Or lower Tertiary formation containing fossils of Dinosaurs and Mosasaurs, and in the museum of the university of Montana is the greater part of the skeleton of a Dinosaur which was found here.   [Please select]


RULERS OF THE ANCIENT SEAS The Mosasaurs, 49; history of the first known Mosasaur, 50; jaws of reptiles, 53; extinction of Mosasaurs, 55; the sea-serpent, 56; Zeuglodon, 58; its habits, 59; Koch's Hydrarchus, 61; bones collected by Mr.   [Please select]


[4] _It is surprising to find Professor Cope placing the length of the Mosasaurs at 70, 80, or 100 feet, as there is not the slightest basis for even the lowest of these figures.   [Please select]

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mosasaur - mosasaurs - mosey