Sentence example with the word 'moose'


Definition n. large northern deer with enormous flattened antlers in the male

Last update: September 27, 2015


There are some porcupines, red foxes, minks and martens, but the moose, wolf and lynx are practically extinct.   [Please select]


He had killed over two hundred moose, a large number of them at night on the lakes.   [Please select]


In the fall the moose comes into the water to eat the large fibrous roots of the pond-lilies.   [Please select]


If the hunter accidentally makes a noise the moose looks toward the shore for it.   [Please select]


The moose sprang into the air, turned, and came with tremendous strides straight toward him.   [Please select]


When the hunter comes upon one of these yards the problem for him to settle is, Where are the moose.   [Please select]


The huge, heavy, ungainly elk, or moose-deer, _trotted_ away from the travellers with speed equal to that of the mustang.   [Please select]


Trapper Smith once set a trap for a wolverine, and planted close behind it a young moose skull with some flesh upon it.   [Please select]


This is why it so successfully resists the extermination that has almost swept the mule deer, antelope, white goat, moose and elk from all the hunting-grounds of the United States.   [Please select]

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moory - moose - mooted