Sentence example with the word 'monarchism'


backwardness, communism, constitutionalism, extreme right, fascism, feudality, know-nothingism, neofascism, parliamentarism, radical rightism, reactionaryism, royalism, statism

Definition n. a belief in and advocacy of monarchy as a political system

Last update: July 30, 2015


As a senator he consistently opposed the increasing monarchism of Napoleon, who, however, gave him in 1809 a pension and commissioned him to write a work on fortification for the school of Metz.   [Please select]


But if Spanish monarchism lost its colonies, it could at least, under the protection of the Concert of Europe, do what it chose in Europe.   [Please select]


Filmer, an exponent of Anglican monarchism, expresses this well when he says, in speaking of the doctrine of a social contract, that ‘Cardinal Bellarmine and Calvin both look asquint this way.   [Please select]


But the dead Washington must cope with the living Jefferson; mild monarchism and stately rule with a spirit born of time, nursed by Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, grown articulate in the French Revolution, and now full swing toward majority.   [Please select]

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