Sentence example with the word 'misrepresenting'


Last update: September 14, 2015


Popular writers are in some danger of misrepresenting this important result.   [Please select]


"I have no object in misrepresenting, for I don't want to sell the violin."   [Please select]


Added to this she showed the other personal traits which we have described in detail, leading to her success in misrepresenting herself.   [Please select]


The com--commanding general'll put him in irons for misrepresenting the sidereal system.'   [Please select]


"But what motive could he have had for thus misrepresenting matters."   [Please select]


Darwin had read his work “almost as much amiss as if, like its declared opponents, he had an interest in misrepresenting it.   [Please select]


Nor was I less reserved with Straddle, whom I in person reproached for misrepresenting to me the character of Strutwell, which I did not scruple to aver was infamous in every respect.   [Please select]


In such a case, if the nurse reports her patient as resistive, or fearful or cringing, or distrustful, she is really misrepresenting her; for under another's care that patient may show an entirely opposite reaction.   [Please select]

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misrepresented - misrepresenting - misrepresents