Sentence example with the word 'misfortune'


accident, bad news, casualty, collision, crash, dole, ill fortune, infelicity, mischance, pileup, shock, staggering blow, tribulation

Definition n. unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event

Last update: August 9, 2015


Misfortune seems to follow the Kennedy family.   [noun]


Slip, Trip or Fall Claims You may have suffered the misfortune to trip or fall on a poorly maintained road or pavement.   [noun]


There is no greater misfortune than not to be able to bear misfortune.   [noun]


It was evident that the unexpected blow had struck deep into his heart, though he struggled to sustain his misfortune with the port of a man.   [noun]


--Midsummer Night's Dream The instant the shock of this sudden misfortune had abated, Duncan began to make his observations on the appearance and proceedings of their captors.   [noun]


She ought to have had it long and long ago, especially after the sad misfortune of her husband.   [noun]


"Is it the public misfortune that troubles you so sadly, sir."   [noun]


"Your name is on a great many invitations only because it is my misfortune to be called by it," his wife told him.   [noun]

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misformed - misfortune - misfortunes