Sentence example with the word 'misapprehended'


Last update: July 30, 2015


Yet in this matter Gibbon has been grossly misapprehended and misrepresented.   [Please select]


I observed by a curious shade which passed over Senator Wrengold's face that he quite misapprehended my brother-in-law's meaning.   [Please select]


And posterity have also sometimes equally misapprehended the real value of his speculations.   [Please select]


Lord Lyons suggests that the transaction may possibly be misapprehended abroad, if it come upon foreign powers suddenly and without any explanations.   [Please select]


“I am rather glad to have a word alone with you,” says he, “because in our first interview there were some expressions you misapprehended and I have long meant to set you right upon.   [Please select]


"I was about," said the artist, perceiving that he was misapprehended, "I was about to make a proposition which may prove advantageous to both of us."   [Please select]

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misapprehend - misapprehended - misapprehending