Five-sixths of these coins preserved at Stockholm were from the mints of the Samanian dynasty, which reigned in Khorasan and Transoxiana from about A.D. [Please select]
"In 1784 the entire coin of the land, except coppers, was the product of foreign mints." [Please select]
What oaken forests, and what golden mines, What mints of men--what union of designs. [Please select]
Sick dogs will invariably eat certain weeds, and an unwell cat will seek healing mints and grasses. [Please select]
They were thousands iv r-rounds iv catridges f'r ivry rig'mint, and all th' rig'mints had to do was to write f'r thim.' [Please select]
That all silver bullion brought to the mints should be coined into dollars without cost to the bringer. [Please select]
I must not leave it to be supposed that we were ever a great House, or that we made mints of money. [Please select]
When a great ruler, named Charlemagne, conquered or made treaties with our ancestors, he allowed them to have mints and to coin money. [Please select]
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