Sentence example with the word 'microorganism'


adenovirus, autotrophic organism, crumb, filterable virus, gram-negative bacteria, microspore, morphological individual, particle, reovirus, spirillum, trypanosome

Definition n. any organism of microscopic size

Last update: July 11, 2015


Hemorrhagic septicemia is a name applied to a highly fatal, infectious disease existing in various species of domestic and wild animals, from a microorganism having definite biological characters and possessing the properties of producing clearly defined and characteristic lesions.   [Please select]


In spite of the foregoing statements the consensus of opinion of eminent investigators points to malignant catarrh as being of specific origin; that is, due to some form of microorganism the contagious character of which is poorly developed.   [Please select]


Various investigators have from time to time claimed the discovery of the specific organism of the disease, but it was not until 1898 that Nocard and Roux, by an ingenious method of cultivation, succeeded in obtaining a very feeble growth of an exceedingly minute microorganism.   [Please select]


Careful study of some of them has resulted in their identification with cases reported in 1877 by Dammann, from the shore of the Baltic; in 1878 by Blazekowic, in Slavonia; in 1879 by Vollers, in Holstein; in 1880 by Lenglen, in France; in 1881 by Macgillivray, in England; and in 1884 by Löffler, who isolated and described the microorganism which produces the disease.   [Please select]

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