If my mother-in-law didn’t decorate her house with so many meretricious knickknacks, it would be a more comfortable place to visit. [Please select]
Meretricious finery to deceive the eye. [Please select]
No new skill was developed, and what remained of the old was expended chiefly upon the manufacture of meretricious objects, disfigured by excess of decoration and not relieved by any excellence of technique. [Please select]
"Anyhow, the beast has a certain meretricious beauty," I admitted. [Please select]
Yet it was Raffles who was the life and soul of the party, and that not by meretricious virtue of his cricket. [Please select]
The intimacy of the studio, the warmth and the colour and the meretricious luxury were gone from his life. [Please select]
Just as the lover of architecture as architecture will protest that Michael Angelo's was meretricious, however inspiring, so M. [Please select]
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