Sentence example with the word 'memorize'


commit to memory, con, get, get by heart, get letter-perfect, have by heart, know by heart, learn, learn by heart, learn verbatim, parrot, recite, remember, repeat, repeat by heart, retain, study, swot up

Definition v. commit to memory

Last update: August 19, 2015


Memorize what Aesop said in praise of the tongue, and what he said in dispraise of it.   [Please select]


He memorized it first, and, if capture seemed probable, he was to tear it into bits and throw it away.   [Please select]


I crowded close, caught his words, memorized the few questions, and there was I with my "Poomaynes."   [Please select]


There--there's the turban for you to lie on an' memorize the smell.'   [Please select]


"It is too bad you did not memorized the letter of instructions you lost," said Ledermann.   [Please select]


I knew it must be carefully adjust, and I sort of memorized where all the screws were.   [Please select]

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memorization - memorize - memorized