The objections raised were (i) the costliness of the instruments employed and their liability to get out of order; (2) the need for specially instructed measurers, men of superior education; (3) the errors that frequently crept in when carrying out the processes and were all but irremediable. [Please select]
These men usually know more of natural history than the catalogue-makers and teeth-measurers of the museum and the closet. [Please select]
Cleghorn seems to have been fairly complete, but modern measurers give its size as 1,000 × 1,700 feet. [Please select]
They are not spiders at all, but insects called "water-measurers," from their peculiar habit of taking a short skate on the surface of the water and then stopping; having measured that distance, off they go again. [Please select]
[The merit of the invention of these horn plates, and of their application to lanterns, is ascribed to King Alfred, who is said to have first used lanterns of this description to preserve his candle time-measurers from the wind. [Please select]
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