Sentence example with the word 'meanest'


Last update: June 9, 2015


On the other hand, as the result in part of the theory of Stoicism, religion passed into the hands of the politicians: cults were encouraged or suppressed from political motives, the membership of the colleges of pontifices and augurs, now conferred by popular vote, was sought for its social and political advantages, and augury was debased till it became the meanest tool of the politician.   [Please select]


You're the meanest, treacherousest hound in this country.'   [Please select]


I tried to make him tell the meanest lie.   [Please select]


He is about the meanest man in town.   [Please select]


He's the meanest fellow I ever met.   [Please select]


Being the meanest and basest of men, he contrived a mean and base expedient for making himself acceptable to his brother.   [Please select]


The King said in reply, that he would not for such men dismiss the meanest servant in his kitchen.   [Please select]


My grandpap al'ays told me the meanest thing a man could do was to shoot another man in the back.'   [Please select]


I do believe," he added, with a sudden change of tone, "Tom Pinkerton is the meanest boy I ever knew.   [Please select]


"It isn't that, but you smoke the meanest cigars I ever smelt, I always think your shoes are on fire."   [Please select]


You placed me in the meanest kind of a situation," objected Ware sullenly, mopping his face."   [Please select]

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meaner - meanest - meaning