Sentence example with the word 'mealtimes'


Last update: September 16, 2015


But, though these barbarians dined in the cabin, and nominally lived there; still, being anything but sedentary in their habits, they were scarcely ever in it except at mealtimes, and just before sleeping-time, when they passed through it to their own peculiar quarters.   [Please select]


The Garlands rarely saw their boarder now except at mealtimes, and by no means always then.   [Please select]


At mealtimes he was even admitted into the sacred dining-room, where he lay on the floor at the Master's left hand.   [Please select]


He even had access to the sacred dining-room, at mealtimes--where always he lay to the left of the Master's chair.   [Please select]


I know, because at mealtimes and others, when he's been in the room with me, I've looked up and found his eyes on me.   [Please select]


They cause an overacid condition when taken in excess; and any except at mealtimes would be excess for me, with my moderate physical exercise.   [Please select]

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mealtime - mealtimes - mealworm