Sentence example with the word 'mealie'


Definition n. an ear of corn

Last update: August 23, 2015


The chief method employed for their destruction is spraying the swarms with arsenic. The districts with the greatest area under cultivation are Heidelberg, Witwatersrand, Pretoria, Standerton and Krugersdorp. The chief crops grown for grain are wheat, maize (mealie) and kaffir corn, but the harvest is inadequate to meet local demands.   [Please select]


Rub it on your leg, and mix a piece as large as a mealie grain in water and swallow it at night.   [Please select]


They've put up a great fight on mealie meal against bad seasons.   [Please select]


I doubt an idle woman will be like a mealie-fed horse.   [Please select]


Lastly, in a mealie patch, he found the spot on which the corn grows thin, where King Cetewayo breathed his last, poisoned without a doubt, as he has known for many years.   [Please select]


As a matter of fact these Zulus were foraging in the mealie fields, since owing to the drought food was very scarce in Zululand that year and the regiments were hungry.   [Please select]

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