But in spite of this its materialistic affinities are unmistakable. [Please select]
Let them now accuse the law of being materialistic and atheistic. [Please select]
Now, the question arises--'Can such an objectivity be asserted by those who take a purely materialistic or naturalistic view of the Universe.' [Please select]
Pappenheim thinks that we have here Kant's idea of _a priori_, only on a materialistic foundation. [Please select]
Aenesidemus, in his eight Tropes against aetiology, shows the absurdity of the doctrine of causality when upheld on materialistic grounds. [Please select]
My reply to this is my last word, and I greatly grieve that to many it will sound materialistic. [Please select]
None the less, in a rough, unlearned, and materialistic society such spiritual shakings-up were bound to yield much permanent good. [Please select]
Their implications are no more materialistic than they are spiritualistic, and no more spiritualistic than they are materialistic. [Please select]
On the one hand, many psychologists, especially those of the behaviourist school, tend to adopt what is essentially a materialistic position, as a matter of method if not of metaphysics. [Please select]
But this position cannot be called materialistic, if, as seems to be the case, physics does not assume the existence of matter. [Please select]
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