Sentence example with the word 'mateless'


Last update: June 18, 2015


I looked at the beauty opposite me, and, with a sudden movement of pity for him, mateless, stood up and waved to him vigorously in turn.   [Please select]


This may explain why the mateless female deserted its nest when the young were only two days old, whereas a mateless male continued to care for his six-day-old young.   [Please select]


The firstborn of an indigent father inherits a double measure of the disadvantages of poverty,--a joyless childhood, a guideless youth, and perhaps a mateless manhood, his own life being drained to feed the young of his father's begetting.   [Please select]


Lonely and cold and fierce I keep my way, Scourge of the lands, companioned by the storm, Tossing to heaven my frontlet, wild and gray, Mateless, yet conscious ever of a warm And brooding presence close to mine all day.   [Please select]

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mated - mateless - matelot