Sentence example with the word 'matchwood'


Last update: July 24, 2015


"Yes, five minutes there would knock her into matchwood."   [Please select]


Her starboard oars snapped like matchwood, hurling the slaves backwards on their benches and killing a dozen on the spot.   [Please select]


Next mornin' early he got up an' smashed the school winders, redooced the master's desk to matchwood, an' walked away whistlin'.   [Please select]


Her bottom was stove in, her planks and timbers were riven like matchwood.   [Please select]


But nothing of the kind was visible, and the spars, masts, and other wreckage which had reached the rocks had been shattered into "matchwood" by frequent gales.   [Please select]


At the back of the pier ten vessels have been pounded to matchwood, and all that remains are a shattered barque, her masts still standing, two brigs, and a schooner, all inextricably mingled together.   [Please select]

Do you have a better example in your mind? Please submit your sentence!

matchmaking - matchwood - mated