Sentence example with the word 'masterfulness'


Last update: October 31, 2015


Seeing the barons quarrelling among themselves, and Montfort accused of ambition and overweening masterfulness by many of his colleagues, the king took heart.   [Please select]


At this hint of masterfulness on Betsy's part, Aunt Frances cried out, "Oh, yes, Betsy, DO make him go away."   [Please select]


If that were true--then he had resources of masterfulness still in reserve sufficient to win any victory.   [Please select]


She just stared in a horror that routed all his audacity and checked the masterfulness of his advance.   [Please select]


This was the second illustration of Roosevelt's masterfulness in cutting through a diplomatic knot.   [Please select]


There was a touch of boyishness that appealed, a touch of insistent masterfulness that alarmed.   [Please select]


They may develop into masterfulness; or they, too, may degenerate, through abuse, or from the effect of body infections, into uselessness.   [Please select]


To dream that he fails in his suit, signifies that he only needs more masterfulness and energy in his daring, as he has already the love and esteem of his sweetheart.   [Please select]


He knew her financial affairs and advised her about them, while she lamented her feminine ignorance, and praised his masterfulness, and proved to know much more about bonds than he did.   [Please select]

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masterfully - masterfulness - masteries