Sentence example with the word 'masterfully'


ably, aptly, autocratically, competently, dexterously, excellently, high-handedly, neatly, proficiently, superbly, with finesse

Last update: October 18, 2015


He strode along right masterfully and lifted his head with the air of one who was monarch of all he surveyed.   [Please select]


Quentin, was nothing so masterfully wrought as this figurine to be held in the palm of the hand.   [Please select]


Suppose we do just quietly and masterfully assert ourselves concerning our own affairs.   [Please select]


And he would tickle him so masterfully under the ribs that the creature howled and became quite hysterical.   [Please select]


Koyala covertly studied the resident's profile, so boyish, yet so masterfully stern, as he gazed into the forest depths.   [Please select]


He changed the subject as masterfully as Neale could have done.   [Please select]


He laughed, waved his arm in a cavalier gesture and went from the room, slamming the door masterfully behind him.   [Please select]


When young they do wonders in trained performances, but when they reach maturity, grow big of arm and shoulder, and masterfully strong, they quickly become conscious of their strength.   [Please select]


Drumtochty admitted that this showed a woman of vigour--although our conventions did not allow us to treat Clockie or any known wastrel so masterfully--and there was an evident anxiety to hear more.   [Please select]

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masterful - masterfully - masterfulness