Sentence example with the word 'masculinity'


Last update: September 28, 2015


I could never be sure the old boy wouldn't have a change of heart some night and blow me away just to prove his masculinity, or send some of his Philadelphia clients around to work me over.   [Please select]


With their better acquaintance her assumption of masculinity fell from her, and she became the "womanly woman"--dainty, vivacious, captivating.   [Please select]


A certain change in his manner she had also noted; a new touch of force, it seemed, a somewhat stiffened masculinity.   [Please select]


If she dreams of being shaved, she will assume so much masculinity that men will turn from her in disgust.   [Please select]


Then he had conceived himself as watching her emotion, moved doubtless, but yet with a secretly gratified masculinity.   [Please select]


Madeline Fosdick he saw at the other end of the room surrounded by a group of young masculinity.   [Please select]


She had a rather stern, forbidding look, but she was in reality very jolly, with a hearty, gurgling laugh and a deep, mellow, pleasant voice with a suggestion of masculinity about it.   [Please select]


But, though maidenly embarrassed, she would not lower her gaze as if she were ashamed of her ambition, or overborne by her cousin's hard masculinity.   [Please select]

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masculinely - masculinity - masculinize