Sentence example with the word 'martinet'


absolute monarch, all-powerful ruler, autarch, caesar, czar, dictator, driver, hard master, oppressor, slave driver, tyrant, warlord

Definition n. someone who demands exact conformity to rules and forms

Last update: October 11, 2015


They soon discovered that the new teacher is martinet.   [noun]


Frederick, though his love of teasing for teasing's sake has been exaggerated by Macaulay, was a martinet of the first water, had a sharp though one-sided idea of justice, and had not the slightest intention of allowing Voltaire to insult or to tyrannize over his other guests and servants.   [noun]


Latham entered, so far as the limits of his work would allow, into the 1 They were drawn and engraved by Martinet, who himself began in 1787 a Histoire des oiseaux with small coloured plates which have some merit, but the text is worthless.   [noun]


It is enough to say that, under so strict a martinet as the Baron, all things were conducted in due form.   [noun]


By the ass of the Dorans you'll find I'm a martinet.   [noun]


But her martinet father immediately begins to question her, insisting on his "paternal rights."   [noun]


"Now God bless him for a tender-hearted old martinet, eh, Bo'sun."'   [Please select]


At such moments there seemed nothing surprising in her having been the daughter of a martinet.   [Please select]

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