Sentence example with the word 'marionettes'


Last update: November 1, 2015


His dramatic works, which were produced at the Bairro Alto theatre between 1733 and 1738, include the following comedies, all played by marionettes: - D.   [Please select]


From the smoky glimmers, rubicund faces start forth in relief, and dark hands move about in the shadows like marionettes.   [Please select]


There are Marionettes and Punch and Judy shows, and all the doings of the Grand Grignol are beautifully imitated.   [Please select]


Pricked by his feats in this sort, Jehane overcame her reserve and turned her members into marionettes.   [Please select]


Grumedan was also looking on at the spectacle, and said very contemptuously: 'I cannot say I think these marionettes amusing.'   [Please select]


There was not a trace of mist--nothing to obscure the dim pale light, and as the moon swung higher into space we could see both men's every movement, like the play of marionettes.   [Please select]


In them were women erect, slender, enameled, and expressionless as marionettes, their small hands upon parasols, their unchanging eyes always forward, ignoring the men beside them, tall men with gray hair and distinguished faces.   [Please select]

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marionette - marionettes - mariposa