Sentence example with the word 'marines'


Definition n. members of a body of troops trained to serve on land or at sea

Last update: July 17, 2015


The lines include the Chatham, the Royal Marine, the Brompton, the Hut, St Mary's and naval barracks; the garrison hospital, Melville hospital for sailors and marines, the arsenal, gymnasium, various military schools, convict prison, and finally the extensive dockyard system for which the town is famous.   [Please select]


At his word the marines put on their armor.   [Please select]


The large square of the town was filled with soldiers and marines.   [Please select]


Nannie gaped; Elizabeth giggled; David "got red" on his own account, and muttered under his breath, "Tell that to the marines."   [Please select]


Adams, to land and run out alongside them, closely followed by the Royal marines.   [Please select]


Forty women, wives of the marines, were also permitted to accompany their husbands, together with their children.   [Please select]


"He was choosing a collar of blue diamonds and aqua marines."   [Please select]


The men who fired the treacherous shots were seen by two American marines, who shot them dead.   [Please select]


This was the most humiliating phase of the episode, that a handful of British sailors and marines should have carried an American frigate by boarding.   [Please select]


He was met there by three twelve-pounders, the marines under Captain Miller, and my men acting as infantry, and again was totally cut up.   [Please select]

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mariners - marines - marionette