Definitionadj. patterned with veins or streaks or color resembling marble
Last update: August 6, 2015
In this way curd, mottled or marbled soap is formed, and such mottled appearance was formerly highly valued as an indication of freedom from excess of water or other adulteration, because in fitted soaps the impurities are either washed out or fall to the bottom of the mass in cooling. [Please select]
Celluloid readily colours, and can be marbled for manufacturing purposes, &c. [Please select]
#Limosa fedoa# (Linnaeus), Marbled Godwit This species was listed by Oberholser (_op.) [Please select]
On the cut surface these bands may give rise to a decidedly marbled appearance. [Please select]
The worthy tradesman looked at him, and the rosy hue upon his cheeks was marbled with a paler tint. [Please select]
The abdomen is marbled with yellowish and white flecks, and is hairy at the end. [Please select]
Cloth, extra ==$2 00== Sheep, marbled edges ==3 00== Half morocco, gilt top ==3 50== ==History of the Civil War in America. [Please select]
In the breeding plumage, this bird is brownish black above, barred with rusty and below is marbled with brownish gray and white. [Please select]
This species is 19 inches in length, is of a nearly uniform ruddy color and is handsomely marbled above, and barred below with black. [Please select]
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