Sentence example with the word 'manuring'


Last update: September 8, 2015


Even the earliest forms of intensive cultivation demand the practice of the fundamental processes of husbandry - ploughing, manuring, sowing, weeding, reaping.   [Please select]


It is likewise frequently used in the manuring of land.   [Please select]


, Dale's secretary of state, wrote, "When our people were fed out of the common store and labored jointly in the manuring of ground and planting corn,."   [Please select]


Proper Season for Cutting: Autumn Cutting, Spring Cutting: Manuring; Training the Hop Plant: Poled Gardens, Frame Training; Principal Types of Frames: Pruning, Cropping, Topping, and Leaf Stripping the Hop Plant; Picking, Drying and Bagging.   [Please select]


Manuring of fields was already known in Shang time.   [Please select]


The Danish farmer grows a rapid rotation of crops for his animals, manuring heavily after each crop, and never allowing his land to lie fallow as we do.   [Please select]

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manures - manuring - manus