Sentence example with the word 'mantles'


Last update: August 8, 2015


These three concentric tissue mantles are evidently formed by the conjoined bases of the leaf traces, each of which is composed of the same three tissues.   [Please select]


From almost every alley people were pushing out in threes and fours, all without lamps, all in dark mantles.   [Please select]


But when I saw their worn mantles and hungry faces, I had a feeling something like compassion.   [Please select]


And taking Gallic mantles with hoods, they passed through the garden door to the street.   [Please select]


In the evening he and Ursus put on Gallic mantles and went to the house of Miriam, where Peter was living.   [Please select]


The frequent mention of fabrics used by the Indians for shawls, mantles, etc.   [Please select]


They also work similar designs on mantles and coverings which they make with the bark of the mulberry tree.   [Please select]


Auer von Welsbach found that the substances most suitable for incandescent mantles were the oxides of certain rare metals, _thorium_, and _cerium_.   [Please select]


But not only the dresses--the furs and the mantles and subsidiary frills and the muffs and the parasols and the bonnets--all were ranged in chronological order, dated and complete.   [Please select]


In the cold of a clear winter's day, the snowy summits and rust-colored pinnacles shone bright and near at hand; in the spring, fogs hid them, and lay like gray mantles upon the lower slopes.   [Please select]

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mantled - mantles - mantlet