Sentence example with the word 'manors'


Last update: July 6, 2015


The only alien priories granted were Abberbury in Oxfordshire, Wedon Pinkney in Northamptonshire, Romney in Kent, and St Clare and Llangenith in Wales, all very small affairs, single manors and rectories, and these did not form a quarter of the whole endowment.   [Please select]


, he entailed his several manors and estates on his sons, Anthony and Edmund.   [Please select]


These "gardens" (_yüan_) were often called "manors" (_pieh-yeh_) and consisted of fruit plantations with luxurious buildings.   [Please select]


With the creation of manors the total amount of land under cultivation increased, though not the amount of grain-producing land.   [Please select]


Tenure of Land in the Norman Period; Military Service, Feudal Dues, National Militia, Manors and Manor Houses.   [Please select]


The tenants on the New York manors were in somewhat the same position as serfs on old European estates.   [Please select]

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manorial - manors - manos