Sentence example with the word 'mange'


anthrax, blackleg, broken wind, foot-and-mouth disease, hog cholera, loco, malignant catarrh, milzbrand, quarter evil, scabies, stringhalt

Definition n. a persistent and contagious disease of the skin causing inflammation and itching and loss of hair

Last update: September 1, 2015


Almost all cases of mange, however obstinate, will, sooner or later, yield to this treatment.   [Please select]


] We should also mention the Mange insect of the horse (Psoroptes equi, Fig.)   [Please select]


If a dog become from bad food affected with mange, canker, sore feet, &c.   [Please select]


Every affection of the skin in the dog is termed mange.   [Please select]


The next form of mange attacks very fat and cruelly overfed animals.   [Please select]


The fourth kind of mange is where the hair falls suddenly off in circular patches.   [Please select]


He saw 'em die of pneumonia and mange and every rotten trench disease.'   [Please select]


If the mange breaks out, a simple dressing as directed for that disease will remove it, no internal remedies being in such a case required.   [Please select]


Chemists mix up various ointments that are called black, blue, red, white, or yellow; and sell these as specifics for skin diseases, which are in the dog all denominated mange.   [Please select]

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manganese - mange - mangel