Sentence example with the word 'mandrake'


Definition n. the root of the mandrake plant

Last update: October 21, 2015


PODOPHYLLIN, a drug obtained from the rhizome of the American mandrake or may apple, Podophyllum peltatum, an herbaceous perennial belonging to the natural order Berberidaceae, indigenous in woods in Canada and the United States.   [Please select]


They chatter in swarms over the wild-cherry trees, and overload their crops with red haws, wild plums, papaws, blackberries and mandrake.   [Please select]


[Illustration: MAY APPLE MANDRAKE PARTRIDGE BERRY Fruits common to most of the States.   [Please select]


Several plants were thought to be like the human body, such as the mandrake and the ginseng; and these, it was said, must also be good for man.   [Please select]


The growth of leaves in darkness may be easily observed if the underground perennial stems of common mandrake are placed in a dark chamber before the growth of the leaf buds has begun.   [Please select]

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mandragora - mandrake - mandrakes