Two horse-shoe magnets are so placed (fig. [Please select]
Iron is magnetic to the extent that it is attracted by magnets, but it does not retain magnetism itself, as does steel. [Please select]
"I am interested in magnets, and--but there, Alice why should I worry you with the sort of things that delight me." [Please select]
Lizette and Louisa drew together like two magnets, the instant they met. [Please select]
Mivart telegraphed to London for his assistant to bring one of Marini's magnets. [Please select]
Remove all pieces of iron or steel and especially magnets in the near vicinity of the instrument when in use. [Please select]
The magnets used can be purchased from any electrical store in pairs which are called "instrument magnets." [Please select]
A light frame of wood is built around the magnets, as shown at C, Fig. [Please select]
The indicating device which is placed in a convenient place in the house consists of [Illustration: The Wind Vane, Magnets and Indicator] eight 4-ohm magnets fastened upon a l-in. [Please select]
This is placed over the magnets in such a manner that there will be a magnet under each of the eight principal points marked on the dial. [Please select]
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