Sentence example with the word 'lyrist'


Definition n. a person who writes the words for songs

Last update: June 22, 2015


Its chief distinctions are that during the later Republic and earlier Empire it yielded excellent soldiers, and thus much aided the success of Caesar against Pompey and of Octavian against Antony, and that it gave Rome the poet Virgil (by origin a Celt), the historian Livy, the lyrist Catullus, Cornelius Nepos, the elder and the younger Pliny and other distinguished writers?   [Please select]


It would be difficult to find a finer lyrist among the mountains.   [Please select]


Although I turned aside and sought diligently, I could not find the shy lyrist.   [Please select]


” For “‘the own armchair’ of our Lyrist’s ‘Sweet Lady Anne’” (p.)   [Please select]


A few minutes of hard climbing brought me near enough to get my glass on the little lyrist, and then I found it was only the house-wren.   [Please select]


Every observer of eastern feathered folk is familiar with our "little boy blue," the indigo-bird, whose song is such a rollicking and saucy air, making you feel as if the little lyrist were chaffing you.   [Please select]

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lyrism - lyrist - lyrists