Definitionadv. in an abundant and luxuriant manner
Last update: September 20, 2015
The oak grows most luxuriantly on deep strong clays, calcareous marl or stiff loam, but will flourish in nearly any deep well-drained soil, excepting peat or loose sand; in marshy or moist places the tree may grow well for a time, but the timber is rarely sound; on hard rocky ground and exposed hillsides. [Please select]
The fruits of the tropics and the cereals of the temperate zone grow luxuriantly. [Please select]
It was a favorite spot with the girls, for it was sheltered from the prevailing wind and the flowers grew particularly luxuriantly. [Please select]
Others had their faces entirely exposed, their dark tresses falling luxuriantly ever their shoulders. [Please select]
He had filled the flower boxes for the veranda with delicate plants that were growing luxuriantly. [Please select]
The grass grew luxuriantly around this stone, and the sheep loved to rest at noon in its shadow. [Please select]
Flowering creepers overhung the balconies and pillars; while shrubs and trees, both native and European, grew luxuriantly in groves of our planting. [Please select]
His course took him about thirty yards among the bushes and then through high grass growing luxuriantly in the open. [Please select]
Over this shaded space the dark-green grass grew luxuriantly, with a soft juiciness of texture which made it the ideal food for cattle and horses. [Please select]
Grass grew luxuriantly there in the open, but not under the trees, where the brown needle-mats jealously obstructed the green. [Please select]
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