Sentence example with the word 'luxuriance'


Definition n. the property of being lush and abundant and a pleasure to the senses

Last update: June 18, 2015


(6) The tropical forest, which represents the maximum of plant luxuriance, stimulated by the heaviest rainfall, greatest heat and strongest light.   [Please select]


Custom had not pruned their natural luxuriance, nor had tradition toned down the violence of their contrasts.   [Please select]


The legend of the man--a thing often so very other than the man himself--grew, Jonah's gourd-like, in wild luxuriance.   [Please select]


This confusion is due to the low, flat country, and the luxuriance of a tropical vegetation.   [Please select]


Not a flower was to be seen, but ferns grew by the roadside in luxuriance.   [Please select]


The earth brought forth fruits and flowers without toil or labour in plentiful luxuriance, and war was unknown.   [Please select]


There is a luxuriance in a piece of soap and a clean towel that only experienced campers can understand and appreciate.   [Please select]

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luxations - luxuriance - luxuriant