Sentence example with the word 'lunacy'


aberration, buffoonery, dementia, folly, goofiness, irrationality, mental disturbance, nuttiness, reasonlessness, strangeness, unsoundness

Definition n. obsolete terms for legal insanity

Last update: June 27, 2015


Leases may be made on behalf of lunatics subject to the jurisdiction in lunacy under the provisions of the Lunacy Act 1890 and the Settled Land Act 1882.   [Please select]


Tuberculosis, lunacy, war and mendicancy must now cease.   [Please select]


Suddenly I had a feeling that the whole affair was stark lunacy.   [Please select]


It sounded lunacy, for I guessed that munitions of war would be as jealously guarded as old Hindenburg's health.   [Please select]


And by gad--it sounds like lunacy, and mind you I'm not propounding it for fact.'   [Please select]


It may be paralleled in human nature, with madness, not with melancholy or hypochondriacal mania, but rather with violent raving lunacy.   [Please select]


He never has those fine intervals of lunacy into which his cousins, the catbird and the mavis, are apt to fall.   [Please select]

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