One of the most ancient, as it is one of the loveliest fragments, strange to say, is found at Tuzer, in the Jerid, the mahrab of a ruined mosque. [Please select]
Kinch, the loveliest mummer of them all. [Please select]
She's written me the jolliest, loveliest, funniest letters. [Please select]
It's the loveliest place there is. [Please select]
That little heap had been for two thousand years the wisest, loveliest, proudest creature--I can hardly call her woman--in the whole universe. [Please select]
Derelicts, those women, because receiving love (that loveliest gift of all.) [Please select]
Loveliest, sweetest, I do, and I always shall, whether it is yes or no. [Please select]
On the threshold it began weaving the loveliest carpet that was ever seen. [Please select]
As he sat up in his tree he played away on his pipes and drew the loveliest music from them. [Please select]
And, even in sleep, the old dog felt justly chagrined at the way his loveliest present to the Mistress had been received. [Please select]
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