Sentence example with the word 'loggerheads'


Last update: July 27, 2015


The brothers are at loggerheads over the distribution of the property.   [Please select]


With a grating rush, the three lines flew round the loggerheads with such a force as to gouge deep grooves in them; while so fearful were the harpooneers that this rapid sounding would soon exhaust the lines, that using all their dexterous might, they caught repeated smoking turns with the rope to hold on; till at last--owing to the perpendicular strain from the lead-lined chocks of the boats, whence the three ropes went straight down into the blue--the gunwales of the bows were almost even with the water, while the three sterns tilted high in the air.   [Please select]


The aim of the whole conspiracy was to get Russia and Germany at loggerheads.   [Please select]


We are practically at loggerheads, and I am trying to make up my mind what I ought to do.   [Please select]


The patroons were soon at loggerheads with each other and with the Governor.   [Please select]


Stuyvesant too was soon at loggerheads with the Swedes who had settled on the Delaware.   [Please select]


Then it was thought he would be too lenient, and soon he was at loggerheads with Congress.   [Please select]


But nothing was accomplished because Barrios and the President of Salvador were soon at loggerheads.   [Please select]


Even after both of them had complied with the suggestions, the individuals who assumed their respective offices were soon at loggerheads.   [Please select]


Really the world was a nice place that day, though I might not have noticed it so much if the Boy and I had been still at loggerheads.   [Please select]


I retired to mine, where I found Strap mortally afraid, he having stolen away in the dark while the captain and his lady were at loggerheads.   [Please select]

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loggerhead - loggerheads - loggers